by Maria Wachiye
Coming Sunday the 10 of July Indoor Action will organise a workshop Power Vinyasa yoga. We are happy that this workshop shall be accompanied by Maria Wachiye. Maria received her yoga education in Kenya through the Africa Yoga Project sponsored by Baron Baptiste. Baron Baptiste is a yoga phenomenon who devolved his own yoga style based on the great historical source of yoga knowledge.
Maria already practises yoga since 2012 and started teaching in 2014. Her main expertise is Vinyasa Yoga which we used to call at Indoor Action: Easy Flow. Due to her athletic nature and performance she already quickly started to practice and teach Power Vinyasa Yoga. As in Vinyasa Yoga de postures are practised in a flow. In a few breaths you flow from one posture to another. In power Vinyasa Yoga the series are more adaptable and in that way the typical style and energy of the yogateacher will shine through the session. In following a workshop with Maria your Body and mind will be tested. Be prepared to dare yourself and sign up through the Indoor Action planningsapp.